The results of this year’s survey are now available

18 December 2024

Learn more here

Between May and July 2024, we collected feedback from communities close to the Abbey Line railway. Thanks to all who participated.

We asked users and non-users of the line for their views on the rail service, how they use/would use the service and how they travel to their station from home.

We also asked how we – the Abbey Line CRP – can best serve the local communities along the line.


This article provides a summary of our findings.


Click here to view the full report.

Our key findings come as no surprise, but provide an additional source of information that we have fed back to the train operator.

They also help us understand how best to support our local Abbey Line communities.


The Abbey Line is a well-loved community asset

  • The proximity and convenience of the line and the speed of the service are major plus points for our local communities
  • Infrequent travellers – for leisure or visiting – are a growing segment of Abbey Line passenger type


Reliability is a big issue

  • Satisfaction with the line is not high – with slightly lower ratings from those that use the service to commute rather than for leisure
  • This is due mainly to reliability of the service
  • There is clearly demand to use the Abbey Line service if it is more reliable
  • Confidence needs to be restored
Bar chart graphic

Next Steps

The Abbey Line CRP will continue to build awareness of its services and will take feedback from this survey into consideration when planning and promoting new activities:

In particular:

  • Feeding back our communities’ views to the train operator
  • Providing more information to help infrequent train travellers
  • Enhancing stations
  • Promoting sustainable travel


We hope as greater reliability returns to the service, that our communities will feel more confident to travel on the Abbey Line.

We will do everything we can to support them.

Graphic about community rail
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