Our Projects

Since the formation of the Abbey Line Community Rail Partnership, we have been involved in many projects in our local community. The purpose has been to link the community rail partnership and railway with the community through these projects and events. These include surveys, station enhancements, community engagement and art schemes - some of which are listed below.

Some projects we have done in the past are;

2021 – The CRP bid for funds to improve the waiting shelters at Watford North & How Wood stations which will be managed and carried out by the train operator, London North Western Railway. With designs by Groundwork East, the work is expected to be completed by October 2021.

2021 – New planters at stations from the Community Improvement fund to help enhance our stations.

2021 – Travel with Confidence with Watford Mencap, Building Better Opportunities and London North Western Railway

2020 – Donated toys in lieu of not being able to have a Christmas events due to Covod-19 , to Toy Drive run by Watford FC

2020  – Commission of new website for the CRP. The Partnerships’ website was redesigned by Tessellate, giving it a refreshed look and lots more information for journey planning resources, local community information and projects.

2020 – Bee Friendly Trust project at Watford junction with London Northwestern Railway

2018 – Our schools project in conjunction with Hertfordshire County Council and London Northwestern Railway was launched. Working with local schools to introduce children to the railway, railway safety, reading train timetables to plan a journey, how to buy fares, careers in rail and learn about their own perspective of the railway and local stations. The project includes a ride on the train, visit to the local station to meet staff and a peek in the control room where possible.

2018 – Launch of the Abbey Line Days Out scheme and passport. In partnership with Hertfordshire County Council, we engaged with students from Oaklands College on a marketing plan to promote the Abbey line service. A range of ideas were put forward and the students were invited to the London Midland Office to present their ideas. One of these stood out, encouraging use of the train service for leisure to events and attractions. This idea was then developed further and the Abbey Line Days Out scheme was launched with the passport being unveiled six months later at the Christmas event.

2017 – Abbey Line Guide. A pocket sized guide of all the stations on the route and travel information.

2017 – ‘Love your Community Rail in February’ Art project. Encouraged youngsters to send in art work inspired by the Abbey Line train service and stations. The winners were two brothers from Park St and their little brother, winning 1st class family train tickets, vouchers and special ‘thank you’ vouchers for their school library. With the Route Manager from London Midland, we surprised them at school with a presentation.

2015 – The Abbey Line Trail was commissioned by the Community Rail Partnership and delivered by Countryside Management Hertfordshire. This is a nine mile walk from Watford Junction Station to St Albans Abbey Station. The self -guided walk can be completed in sections allowing you to use the train to return to your start point and is open all year round. A map is available via our Days Out page.

2015 – The design and production of The St Albans Station Gateway with students from The Marlborough Science Academy, Groundwork Hertfordshire and Campbell Engineering

2013 – Launch of the Abbey Line Anniversary Rail Ale Trail

2013 – Developed Highway signage scheme; all stations from Park Street to Watford North are now clearly signed from major and local roads.

2013 – Improved lighting along the public footpath to Garston Station