We’re delivering rail safety training for young people

24 June 2024

It's Rail Safety Week! Find out how the Abbey Line Community Rail Partnership are connecting with local schools to ensure our young people are safe on and by the railway.

We’re proud to be sponsoring #RailSafetyEducation in schools from St Albans to Watford.

With summer now here and holidays approaching, trespassing on the railways will be on the up.

So far, our partner Learn Live UK, has delivered the Rail Safe Friendly programme to nearly 8000 young people from 15 schools, with more invited.

Lanchester Community Free School, Mount Pleasant Lane Primary, Margaret Wix Primary, St Michael’s Catholic High School and Watford Boys Grammar have recently joined us.

With Margaret Wix Primary and Mandeville Primary achieving Silver Award status – congratulations!

Has your school joined yet? We are still trying to get in touch with many local schools. Do help us, and mention it to your teachers and admin staff.

For more information visit:

Rail Safety Week

Rail Safe Friendly Programme

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